

Merriam-Webster defines “procrastination” as “to put off intentionally and habitually,” and “to put off intentionally the doing of something should be done.”  Make no mistake, the majority of people are guilty of procrastinating from time to time, and either suffer no consequences, or the consequences are minor.  

For others though, habitually putting off doing things that should be done can create significant problems at home, at work, and in relationships. Procrastination is often caused by feelings of fear, feelings of unenjoyment, and feelings of being inept/unqualified to complete a specific task.  These feelings lead us to subconsciously put off doing what needs to be done, through choosing a distraction such as eating, social media, watching tv, browsing the internet and more.

Unfortunately, if left unchecked, procrastination can cause myriad problems. For example, procrastinating paying your bills can result in damage to your credit. Procrastinating work projects can lead to disciplinary measures. Procrastinating other tasks such as having your car serviced, or your gutters cleaned can lead to hefty financial expenses.  

Hypnotherapy for Procrastination

If you’ve recognized that procrastinating is interfering with your quality of life, and/or relationships, it’s time to take back control of your life.  Hypnotherapy can help by putting you into a relaxed state, where you’re open to understanding the fear that lies beneath procrastination.  Confronting the fear in a safe, relaxed state, along with gentle reframing of fears, unenjoyment, or self-doubt can help you to begin setting and achieving your goals.  

If you are ready to reclaim control over procrastination, and would like to learn how hypnotherapy provided by Joseph Falsetti, CHt, can help, call 404-884-2251, or send us a message online